You see the regulars at the gym, the ones who are there at the same time you are. There's the lady who snorkles in the lap lanes, the lady who uses webbed gloves when she swims, the young guy who swims like he was raised by dolphins, the gentleman who walks the lanes, the man I call "the General" who does....something..bobs, burbbles the water, swims a little, and uses a water barbell in his work out. Then there's me, the lady who wears the fuschia swim skirt over her swimwear.
She forgot her swim skirt today and considered for a second not swimming. ACK! I felt totally naked and exposed when I walked out there. Maybe the people who have me pegged as the lady with the fucschia swim skirt didn't recognize me.
Notes to self:
- Kudos for swimming anyway.
- You are swimming stronger. Good for you
- No one ran off screaming when you entered the pool area
- You are still eating very well.
- Are you going to eat any Hormel Turkey Pepperoni today?