Monday, March 22, 2010

Still Grouchy, so Bear With Me

I have decided that I must be horribly missed by now, so I will tell you what I’m going to do today.  I’m going to make fudge. 

And then I’m going to engage in some Yoga with Rodney Yee  downward dog

and some weights. I don’t feel like typing about that because I’m grouchy (pms week, sorry).

Then I’ll eat a small piece of fudge.  I’ll probably go back for another piece 6 seconds later, so I’ll just say I’ll eat 2 pieces of fudge.

I have to replenish the Hormel Turkey Pepperoni.

turkey pepperoni

Note to self

  • Kudos for writing again, grouchy or not.
  • Kudos for doing Yoga today
  • Be sane about the fudge.  It is PMS week
  • I think Red Neck Roy misses you.
  • Take care of the knee


  1. How do you make fudge and restrain yourself to just two small pieces,especially while feeling grouchy and PMS'ing?

  2. Well, I'm just not one who can make a meal out of chocolate. I know people who can and do. I'm just one one of them. It's a treat. I don't know how or why it happens this way. I will go back later for a small piece or two, definatley, but not all at once.
