Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fresh Blueberries and Risking an Encounter with Red Neck Roy

I love fresh blueberries. And it is not hurting my feelings one bit that the grocery store is carrying them right now. Insatiable son and I ate the entire carton on the way home from the store this morning after Seminary. He likes them more than I do, I think. *;-.)

SO, I ran out of time yesterday to do what I wanted for excercise, so I braved the cold AND chanced the possibility of an encounter with Red Neck Roy.
I didn't run into Red Neck Roy, but I found his cousin, Red Neck Billy Bob Jay John Jack, who had a 4-wheeler in the back of the battleship-grey spray painted truck.

Man it was cold outside!! The return trip is when the wind is in your face...Brrrrr! I think my legs turned the same color as my pants! What do you think? Possible? On a really cold day? The good news is that I walked FURTHER than I usually do. Okay, it was about 30 feet more (15 feet each way), but still.....actually I usually walk about 1/2 mile because of pampering my left foot. I probably walked....let's say....4.5/8 of a mile..... prolly more. I didn't mark it. *;-.)

After those wonderful blueberries on the drive home this morning, I didn't graze on any of that Hormel Turkey Pepperoni. I knew exactly what I wanted... a small slice of this:

Home baked Cuban Water Bread

Not sure yet what I'm going to do today for exercise. We have piano lessons today..which takes a 2-hour chunk of my day. I think I will do what I said I would do yesterday; kicking some boxing with Kathy Smith and weights will be legs/back/abs....(sighing with contentment.)

Note to self:
  • Kudos for walking when you didn't have time for what you really wanted, even though it was REALLY COLD.
  • Kudos for not grazing once you got home and going for something that was ready.
  • Kudos for actually LIKING legs/back/abs

Crusty Cuban Bread
thanks to Amber Peterson for this recipe couple years ago

4 Cups all purpose floiur
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 TBL dry yeast
2 TBL sugar
2 tsp salt
2 c hot water (120 to 130 degrees)
1 TBL Poppy seeds (or Sesame seeds or none at all)

Mix 3 cups all-purpose flour and 1 cup whole wheat flour with yeast, salt and sugar. Pour in hot water and beat 100 strokes.* Stir in remaining flour until dough is no longer sticky. Knead 8 minutes. Place dough in greased bowl, cover with damp towel. Let rise 15 minutes. Punch down. Divide into 2 pieces. Shape into 2 round loaves; place on baking sheet sprinkled with corn meal. Cut an X- 1/2 inch deep on top with a sharp knife. Brush with water; sprinkle with poppy seeds. Place on middle shelf of cold oven. Place cake pan of hot water on lowest shelf**. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Bake 40-50 minutes or until deep golden brown.
* I do this in my Kitchen Aid Mixer with dough hook.
** Personally, I do not use the pan of water in the oven.


  1. Thanks for the recipe. Loving reading your blog... it has been inspiring me. I especially like the way you find positive ways to look at your day and the way you take stumbles in stride. Keep up the good work. I have had my first day of keeping a food diary. I really hate doing that and have put it off but was ready to jump into it today and found a great website to help me. CaloriesPerHour.com It helps calculate calories in and out and helps me set goals.

  2. Well, my work is done, Malinda. *;-.)
    If we don't laugh at our day, we will cry through it. I'd rather laugh, but I have to have my pity party moment until I become rational.
