Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Use the energy it takes to pout and write some blues"

I am still looking for the rainbow amongst these clouds...searching, searching.....maybe it's time for me to stop being a big baby cuz everyone has their challanges, just in different ways. "Use the energy it takes to pout and write some blues."
--unbeknownst to me who said it.

"Mic in position? Sunglasses, please, boogie-woogie background boys...
...duh, duh-duh, duh-duh, duh-duh..
ready?...let's go.....
..duh, duh-duh, duh-duh, duh-duh......
I got some blues, baby....yeah, I got some blues....
I got some sad things baby....sad to make you blue....
but I got some life! (brass blast), got my dog! (blast)
and.... not eatin' like a hog...
here in Hog Country, baby...

Never been to Pig Out, baby....
Or to Toad Suck Daze..
That rain just makes me too blue, baby...
Too blue for you....
But I got Soo-weee! (blast)...Blue Soo-wee (blast)
Oh, Sweet Blue-wee...
only just for you, baby...
Thank you, thank you, to all my friends (both of them) who tolerate and encourage my Inner Rubber Chicken.
Now, time to take the sunglasses off and talk about taking my body back. After that, this is going to seem really boring. I liked the sunglasses better, that was more fun.....(putting them back on).
I got some Kudos, baby, kudos to those who take the time to calorie count and write down everything they eat. Lists such as that stress me out, baby, stress me out and give me the blues. At the moment, I am just striving for sanity and portion control.

I am not a donut eater, baby, nor a cake eater, too. I don't do ice cream much, either, baby....not tater chip eater--oooo (I don't dare to keep chips around). These are once in a great while things. For me, it's Pop Secret Homestyle Micorwave popcorn--the entire bag, all the way--at night, when I got the blues, and can't write a word. We grew up on popcorn in our home, and any true Haste can eat an entire HUGE bowl of hot, heavily buttered popcorn, popped in oil, all by themselves. If you can't do it, you are not one of us. You have to earn your sunglasses.

Portion control is my issue. And so is Hormel Turkey Pepperoni (a true sunglasses food, worthy of any blues-writer and singer).
And getting back into regular exercise that I can enjoy. Can't do what I love anymore (except write the blues).

Really enjoyed circuit training work out a-la Jillian Michaels style, baby...

(but without the potty mouth, baby...who needs that nasty talk?). It was 5 minutes aerobics, (blast) then 5 minutes of legs and back with weights and tubes and bands, (blast) then some abs, then repeating the cycle 2 more times, baby. I went to bed at 7:00 that night. Just too tired for the blues. I LIKE that workout too much.... legs.... back.... abs....(sigh) For this workout, the music I am using is 2 Unlimited (remember them?) Hits Unlimited. (5 sunglasses music)

Their music was popular on Aerobic Music tapes and CDs in the 90's. Unfortunately I left all my real aerobic music behind in Baltimore at my in-laws home.

Today, Saturday, I will prolly do Yoga with Rodney Yee. Weights will be pecs, delts, arms and abs.

For breakfast I had a few blueberries while deciding what to eat (not turkey pepperoni today) then decided on a small leftover portion of barbequed boneless chicken breast. Grazed on some chocolate nut antioxidant which for some unfortunate reason is STILL next to the computer!! I have to move it back to the bedroom where I won't eat it.

Note to self
  • Kudos for getting a handle on your popcorn, baby.
  • and not adding butter,too.
  • Kudos for striving for portion control, baby, no deprivation for you.
  • Kudos again for liking circuit training (blast).
  • Move the chocolate nut anitoxidant (blast)
  • Remember, when you got the blues, write some blues....
  • Briefcase Full of Blues

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