Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 2- who invented 5 am?

Whoever invented 5 am should have to spend an eternity of 5 ams with perimenopausal women who don't sleep well at night!! Ugh! It was hard to get up this morning. I am STILL tired.

I have been thinking about Cornbread Waffles for a few days so I made them this morning.

Cornbread Waffles
2 cups of pancake mix
1/2 cup corn meal
1 Tbl sugar
1 1/2 cups milk (I use a substitute)
1/4 cup extra light olive oil
1 cup cooked corn
2 eggs
Chile (opt)
cheese (opt)
Pre-heat waffle baker (I use a Belgian waffle baker)
Place dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Separate eggs, whipping the egg whites till stiff peaks form, saving for later. Mix the wet ingredients together, excluding the chilli and cheese as these are optinal toppings, and add to dry mix. Mix well, then fold in the egg whites.
Bake according to usual waffle baker instructions. This recipe makes 4 Belgian Waffles. Top with Chili and cheese if desired. I eat them plain, and like a fingerfood.

Breakfast was 3/4 of a Belgian Waffle, 1 gOatmeal Raisin cookie and 1 small pink grapefruit.

Decided I want Cucumber Salsa for lunch, so I will make it this morning. That way it will be ready for Ms Instant Gratification when lunch time rolls around.
Note to self:
  • Good for you for not eating anything while waffles baked.
  • Good for you for eating only 1 cookie during breakfast
  • Good for you for NOT eating the entire waffle just because you could have. You quit when you didn't want anymore.
  • Good for you for being responsible.
  • When are you going to block out time to exercise? This afternoon?


  1. What texture do the waffles have with the cornmeal?

  2. Kind of grainy, like corn bread, but you're not using as much cornmeal as you would with cornbread. I like the corn in it. You can cook them a little longer for a crispier texture.
    I guess this is something I have to make for you to try. they can always be heated up and popped in the toaster over
